If you are viewing this page, you likely received a message from us informing you that there is an email configuration weakness in your domain.  If this is you, you were targeted directly as someone who could help correct the issue.

Our research team actively monitors nearly 40,000 domains to score and grade email authentication controls from A+ to F.  The controls we evaluate are used by email receivers to authenticate messages from your domain.  Failures in these controls can impact email delivery.

Your domain’s evaluation was likely graded an F, placing you among the bottom 30% of domains we monitor.  Domains graded an “F” are characterized by poor or erroneous configurations creating opportunities for email impersonation and spoofing attacks.

Use our Domain Inspector tool to see your weaknesses and learn how your domain compares to others.  Give us 30 minutes and we will explain where your issues are, how those issues may impact email delivery, offer guidance for self-correction, or show you how our managed services team has corrected these issues for many others.  Book a free consultation with us now.


Over 30% of the nearly 40,000 domains we monitor have an F letter grade and are prime targets for email spoofing attacks.